Summer 2005

Pychiatrists and Healers: Unwitting Partners - A Challenge for Transcultural Psychiatry in Times of Globalization

Runajambi and the Transcultural Psychiatric Section, World Psychiatric Association 2005 Symposium encouraged scholarly discussions about the unsuspecting partnership of psychiatrists and traditional healers from around the world.  Concomitantly, the meeting in Quito facilitated a friendly and unique encounter of transcultural psychiatrists with Yachactaitas (Quichua-Inca traditional healers) of the Andes.



Spring 2004

Healer-Physician Collaborations in the Americas: The Indigenous Peoples' Experience

The main goal of this meeting was to provide the most up-to-date exposure to innovative interdisciplinary research and initiatives on healer-physicians collaborations in the Americas.  The meeting focused on the achievements of the Indigenous and Western medical systems collaborative endeavors for the betterment of physical and mental health of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas